First cycle check: Cycle goal: To gain muscle mass Diet: Eating at a surplus, adjust accordingly Exercise plan: PPL, take a break once in a while when I need it Blood work: Pre, mid and post bloods will be done. I followed both cycles up with Nolva at 40/40/20/20 and like I said, kept everything. theotherguy Well-known Member. Starting a cycle at 15 mg/day. If you’re a fat fuck/retard you’re not gonna see anything crazy, and I suspect you are. 16. You need to have an AI on hand in case of estrogen. Supps: Multi, fish/flax/borage oil, anabolic pump, I'm thinking of doing a cycle consisting of 2 weeks of sdrol (10/20mg) followed by 5 weeks of Hdrol (50/50/50/75/75) using cycle support during cycle and liquidex for post cycle as well as other pct(I still have. I'm still on cycle, so obviously I haven't lost anything. Sdrol, epi, msten, a laundry list of others over more than a year and a half. Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again. At the end of the cycle any changes would be an average, so to speak. I'm running the Sus250 for 8 weeks, pinning on the same day each week. 2 months in with inj sdrol. Interested in your results. The reason was simply I was too lazy/too scared/too whatever to pin old school gear. First thinked to run tren with it, but ill drop it, i like it, but my appetite surpress and mess alot with my head. TR3ST and Sdrol etc. <--This will completely transform you. Others will take this steroid for anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks. Some people only run a 3-week cycle because they don't see many Superdrol gains after this point anyways. 4 weeks is a typical protocol for a superdrol cycle. Boosts strength levels. And IDGAF about aesthetics. 5. Week 1 – 10mg Week 2 – 20mg Week 3 - 20mg I would personally never recommend over 20mg. Gained 8-10 lbs of ACTUAL muscle in a month would be incredibly good. I would toss the sdrol and replace with halo for the last two weeks at 20mg. 165 lean muscle, did one cycle of anavar (40mg a day) & testosterone Cypionate (1cc a week) for about 5 weeks and noticed a decrease. in my case and many others, there seems to be a rebound effect in e2 levels that happen right after sdrol is dropped. (I'm a tall fella. 16 week. optimally -- if hell bent on running a 12 week cycle with the winny with sdrol kickstart, I would: 1: reduce the test to 300/wk 2: swap out oral winny for injectable. It's more of a recomp but it drops bodyfat like crazy. Yep, Ive sold around 15-20 since then lol. nah tren/ment/injectable sdrol are objectively stronger and change your physique faster as long as you aren't a fat "powerlifter". 93 products. S-drol obliterates your lipids as well. Considerable size and mass gains. Still taking at consistent time on offdays. Still taking at consistent time on offdays. Npp 400 mg/week pinning EOD. Kinda like cycling calories. hey guys, im 25 years old, 219lbs, been lifting about 7 years, solid diet. com and saw that i was always aware of roids and stuff but after actually seeing the progress i knew at some point i had. Best for bulking cycles. Yeah, he lost some gains coming off, but after a year and a half, he was still much much bigger, and much much stronger than when he started. Sdrol gives you that roid look more, definitely. It’s a dry compound. Typical dosing protocols have anecdotally shown to add 5-15lbs of lean body mass to individuals in a caloric surplus. 01dragonslayer said: Same for me brotha. My cycle: Test C 125 E3D 1-4. Sdrol is a bad mfker. 125mgs Test E twice a week. So. So. Don't want any severe mental sides, specifically. Whether you considered the cycle a success or not, and why What this thread ISN'T for: General questions about compounds - except when directed at a specific user sharing their experience. So my dilemma is should I go with 20-30mg superdrol or 40mg epistane for the last 6 weeks. Lotta epi, sdrol, winstrol, msten his last being oral trest and epi. May 23, 2019 #4 Right on. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks on the cycle and I decide to take a BF test today. I experienced a nice pop in strength across all my lifts very quickly. might be too low. Gearhead13#2Yep my cycles are usually as much by the book as i can. The instant gratification from doing quick short bursts of oral cycles is offset by both the side effect profiles, and how quickly it’s out of your system. So many peoplenthink more is better when it's. I've used sdrol as a kicker for a test/deca cycle. Much milder. Superdrol by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals is the ultimate prohormone for people looking to build lean muscle mass and burn excess fat and water weight. S. I already know how crazy it sounds, but I'm not dosing high at all. I have run 2 Sdrol cycles. Sdrol can definitely cause acne and gyno for prone users, and due to side effects combined with these possibilities, it's not a good oral to run for a first time oral steroid run (with. The TRT - 100mg week. The other supplements I used on cycle were a multivitamin, fish oil, and AmVita's blood pressure support supplement. I’ve never used epistane so I’m unsure how well it’ll work for me. Exactly lol. Reply. 3rd was 16wk 625 test/500mast/AI/Sdrol I am 29/M/6'/195 pounds in the low teens BF% and have been cruising 150mg test/wk since last cycle with bloods in range. I am thinking of adding an oral for four weeks as a finisher leading to my pct. similar to how dianabol is a testosterone variant oral and the effects are exaggerated in this too. I did some researching and there seems to be quite a variety of opinions on superdrol. what part of the cycle was the oral introduced at? how long have hou been on. I'm thinking perhaps kick-start with 2 week sdrol and drop for 2 weeks after, then run low dose anavar with the test for the rest of the cycle. 20mg sdrol with test was alot stronger than the 20mg dmz with the other stuff. The only reason i really even decided to use sdrol is because i was/am a huge george leeman fan and his deadlift went from 690(or so) to 865 from a single cycle of mdrol (sdrol clone). Both the ph formula and sdrol made me feel strong as a mofo. I was worried about not. I have old box Sdrol but im afraid because when I use this stuff the pecs are full of acne,. SwoleTide NSFW [Compound Experience Saturday] Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone, Methasteron, Sdrol) Compounds For those unaware, each week we have a specific. You probably don’t need the oral, the test is probably enough. I would appreciate any input. So popping on 4 weeks of the below. I know lot people use high dosage of Anavar but a good contact enjoyed 20mg of Anavar daily (Pharma grade) 05-22-2020, 09:34 AM #9. I was thinking of adding winny to the cycle for the hardness effect. First thing I have noticed is I am urinating a lot and even if I drink a lot my urine is yellow when it is usually clear. Running an easy deca/sust cycle, nothing fancy, @400/500mg for 12/14 weeks and instead of d-bol I was thinking of trying superdrol for a change. Its a very low dose so you need to run one more day. I dose the TNE at 50mg and Sdrol at 10 about an hour prior to training and only on strength training days. 5-12 NPP. Jul 23, 2006. The idea would be to get the pump for a good workout as well as take advantage of the temporary increased protein synthesis for the large post workout meal and overnight recovery. with last cycles I ran 1 mg adex/week. When growing you want a healthy appetite and great digestion. From your second cycle onward, increase the dosage to 30-40mg per day. I haven't done inj sdrol, but I ran 20mg sdrol tab for a month or so and made drastic improvements to my strength. Test E and Test Cyp are ok to inject just once/wk so they are convenient and very effective. Even this is fairly intense. I have been 'preloading' milk thistle and also have liversentials, red yeast rice, something for blood pressure and then the regular vits for on cycle. His cycle: Week. Gone into the 50 mg a day range. Eat clean, drink alot and stay within 10-20mg not higher. Hi i ve use epi in the past at 25mg but i wanna try sdrol at 20mg for 4weeks. I was watching Tony Hughes on the Mark Bell podcast and he talks about using SARMS to lower the amount of test he uses here…Or rather, can I ask you to help me with a 'guide' for a sdrol only cycle. 1-4 Sdrol. I did a cycle of this a while back with great gains, but the pills were a different size and shape. Start off with h-drol only or epi only. This is going to be my 2nd cycle and wanted to know if i should make any changes Week 1 - 5 - Dbol 30mg/day. Gave me pumps doing random things like washing a pot and of course the strength gains. Other then that, I would choose anadrol for to kick start, and sdrol for finishing a longer cycle to coincide with the end of either a strength or volume block based on my training. and what is a good dosing?:thanks:With Sdrol you aren't really trying to keep a level, steady plasma level like most other compounds. Reaction score. Sdrol is a fast-acting steroid. com order! Use code ELVIA1023 to get 5% off your next Synthetek Order. I started at 40mg's/day split into 3 doses of 20/10/10. get bloods to see where you are mid cycle bro. Helps promote the development of fuller muscles. Sdrol will cause more weight gain so you need to consider that if you need to hit a certain weight class or something etc etc. mon, tue, thur, fri. . I'm starting my AX sdrol cycle February 1st and will run 20/20/20, cannot WAIT!! ~~freq-out~~ Superdrol Cycle. Superdrol is a great starter prohormone, clomid ran during cycle will keep your test producing, taking steroids at 160 lbs is a great ideas 👍. ive had nothing major on 20mgs of sdrol. Weeks 1-15 Test E: 500mg/wk-250 twice a week. stocked up on sdrol before it got crazy and everything got sold out. 1/10 oral due to toxicity. Don’t plan on doing any more after this one either. hello i m planing to run sdrol for 4 weeks and wondering for pct is nolva enough or i need to use an Ai like aromasin pct ?Awards. I would like to inform which supplements I can best use against the side effects of a 6 week superdroll cycle for adding mass. superdrol. Im just wondering if 3 weeks is long enough to be able to sustain any muscle. Advertisement Coins. You can go higher than that but you risk tinkering with IGF-1. dimethyl11 • 1 yr. I used 10mg the first 7 days then 20 the other 14 days. but if results are what you are after, then suck it up, grow some balls, and don't drink for a while. If anything it made me lethargic and gave headaches. Thinking of doing a quick 3-4 week 10mg ED Sdrol cycle with 120mg test cyp, 200mg NPP, and 500iu hcg per week. 1-4 Sdrol. If you take sdrol and feel great and don't lose appetite then sure take it when growing and watch yourself mutate over a matter of weeks. . Started by Xapt3r2ooX; Jul 9, 2023; Replies: 86; Anabolics. Yes use the sdrol to kick start the cycle. 500 mg plus dbol kickstart or finisher is probably the most common beginner cycle out there online. Price maximum value. That's why guys drop so much weight after oral only cycles. JD1155. Dec 28, 2011. Reply. . 10. Liver support. The gains on sdrol are legit but I feel so awful on it I've had the other half of the bottle I bought a year ago just sitting in a drawer for a year and haven't touched it. Jan 22, 2010 #3 I`ve run a few cycles and have tried different PCT regimens e. dezzy84 Registered User. test e +sdrol cycle . I have been weighing myself throughout the cycle and I have been getting slow but steady gains since 5-6 days into it. Sweet potatos are KING! As for the pinning if I remember my research right spread your hand out. Ive never used. Mdrol and Sdrol made by CEL and Fast Action are comparable to Superdrol and are a little harsher and provide somewhat better strength and size gains in my opinion. Test C 250 E3D 5 - Ongoing. 258. There's a fair amount of crossover. As always, read the wiki entry first (if necessary) and follow the rules. Even this is fairly intense. Cycle. Are you saying 200mg of tren a week?? Im on tren e 1 gram, 1 gram of test e and some mast with some Sdrol. . . 10mg/day for a 3 weeks. I've read many great things about this oral. it is called the p. But as long as you manage e2 and bp appropriately, it’ll work great. what’s up MESO, so this is what I’m considering for my next cycle, any advice would be much appreciated Weeks 1-12 Test E 250mg x’s 2 a week Weeks 1-4 D-Bol 30mg ED Weeks 8-12 Sdrol 10mg EDSuperdrol experience. Also bro shoot me some of that sdrol. But after the first week the lethargy kicks in. Just be careful increasing weight too fast as ligaments are weaker and do not develop as muscles do. The test cyp, npp and hcg will remain for an additional 12 weeks then will drop the NPP and go to a cruise This is in place of 400-450mg Tren ace for 10 weeks (all else equal). Igf1 LR-3 50mcg/ed. Ive recently been thinking about Superdrol and as a dry compound if it has a place in a cut cycle. They felt awesome on it like you are. 75 years enhanced. Most people said it takes 3-14 days for people to feel it “kick in”, I was. 5 arimidex on a test e+sdrol cycle has dropped my estro too low,,, any ideas on how to get it up quick? would adding dbol be…About to start a cycle of S-Drol tomorrow and decided to throw up the cycle details last minute to get some possible suggestions or critiques (especially experienced super users). Yeah, he lost some gains coming off, but after a year and a half, he was still much much bigger, and much much stronger than when he started. I'm thinking about closing out my cycle with Methylstenbolone during the last 4 weeks. ago. Make sure to incorporate Cycle Support while on your superdrol cycle. 2,167. That being said, 500mcg mtren with 10mg sdrol is fan-fucking-tastic. Jul 23, 2006. Test and Sdrol cycle with Dbol PWO? Anabolics: 7: Dec 4, 2022: Which PCT to select after halodrol cycle? Post Cycle Therapy: 23: Feb 20, 2022: Similar threads. I last 2 weeks before the lethargy kicks in. VERY harsh but from what i have read the best gains in 4 weeks. 5-2 hours pre workout for best gym function. Read people take it up to 30 but less is more often especially when ppl end up having to stop from lethargy, liver probs, appetite loss etc. It’s a dry compound. I’ve already talked about the 1 vial steroid cycle enough in the past, let’s get into the beginner 500 mg/wk test cycle. #2 – Superdrol will hit your HDL levels badly. Overall, a decent cycle by a person who already had an impressive physique to begin with. It does cause some nasty sides in some as well though. theJmad said: i don't think nolva is necessary after all compounds, but i would def. I was thinking 10/20/20 (might push up to 20 before end of first week depending on how I feel) otherwise 10/20/20/20. Read a few posts where some people gains 20-30 lbs and keep a solid 15 but others a lot of it goes away, though I know sdrol fills. w. The most popular bodybuilding message boards!Sdrol blows all of them right the fuck out the water. . Read a few posts where some people gains 20-30 lbs and keep a solid 15 but others a lot of it goes away, though I know sdrol fills. better off saving your $ and just increasing the dose of one or the other. Week 3-4: Upping test to 200mg on Monday and 200mg on Thursday. 1-8. SD is better for strength IMO but sides suck even at 20mg all I want to do is sleep serious lethargy . most rational for all the scenarios. 12. I just set up for a 6 week cycle with alot more in it then ive done before, just want some advice/tips is all. Effect wise Sdrol feels exactly how I always imagined all Steroids feel like. bananagains Banned. Caber or pramipex you need to research and have before you start. reccomend it for superdrol. Superdrol was better than winny but I think I lost a little bit of hair. Same situation as with Boldenone (EQ) and. 5-12 NPP. User dependent. I gained about 15-20lbs, running it with test/tren. Test E / Superdrol Cycle Issues. Boosts strength levels. BUT many cannot tolerate superdrol at that dose beyond 2 weeks and many people can tolerate more than 50mg of anadrol for even longer. View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User Join Date: Jun 2008 Age: 40 Posts: 513 Rep. Would it be OK to use SD 3 weeks at a time as a kickstart and a finisher within the same cycle? I was thinking: 1-12 Test C 400/week 1-12 Proviron 25-50 ED 1-3 Sdrol 10-30 ED 10-12 Sdrol 10-30 ED Aromasin 12. ago. Alright lads, it's been about a year and half since my Test-e/anadrol cycle. Dianabol vs Superdrol. #10. Hey just wanted to give some advice and an update Im currently running pct with tamoxifen for my 9 week 15-20 mk-2866 cycle and ive been taking 20 mg mk-677 during pct. I have a couple grams of SDROl laying around now. Statistically, Superdrol is the most liver toxic. your lipids could be wrecked from the sdrol - so. Perception is reality for most, take it for what it’s worth. Cycle in traffic safely and predictably. 30mg was a bit too much blood pressure seemed to get a bit high and didn’t notice much of a difference using 30. Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again. 64 kg. ago. Some of these are common second compounds for later cycles. First two were 14wk 500mg test/AI/nolva+clomid pct. would be good first cycle test e 250mg /week 10weeks. 160 lbs is 72. Currently cruising on high TRT doses as well. Sd isn't really a carb monster. sounds good. Sdrol is a very harsh compound though you need diet and training on point in order to get the best out of it and possibly not losing too much gains after your cycle. Looking online at Test cycles I saw the idea thrown about at replacing Dbol as a kickstarter with Sdrol. Have never ran sdrol before but was curious about stacking it with the test, whether. Menu. Junior Member Join Date Dec 2011 Location west coastBuy Superdrol by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals. Superdrol 30 ED 5. Tren + Test + Sdrol = But I would run the Test equal to or higher than the Tren, the Sdrol as a Kickstart and make it 12 weeks. I’ve ran or solo at 20/30/30- the gains were great but I felt it’s negative effects on my body. Jan 10, 2022. Aug 20, 2016 #7 IronJulius Subscriber. This is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid or more specifically a structurally altered form of Drostanolone. Me personally I'm in love with dbol. Sdrol makes you feel like shit, like Adrol makes you feel fairly good although not great like Dbol. 77. The pattern mostly lasts for 4 weeks, but some choose to extend it to 5–6 weeks as well. Been looking recently at the new-ish TR3ST and TR3N products. I also have thought of using Sdrol for 2-3 weeks (as its legal where I live - you can literaly buy it at the supermarket), but I am reconsidering as a lot of reallyStupid fucking first cycle. Nov 23, 2021 #37 T. Overall I would run it over var if given a choice between the two, regardless of situation. Sdrol is foolish its a very advanced compound stronger Than anadrol 50 mg anadrol is 10 mg superdrol don't befoolish to try it this early and your first cycle needs to be of a single compound preferably Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate nothing fancy if you want to add orals then you can use 15 to 20 mg of dianabol as a Kickstart. Epistane also gave me a libido improvement. So far the pumps have already started with a 15 mg morning dose of sdrol and im excited for the days and weeks too come. Sdrol will make you look better for sure haha, idt the strength is nearly as good as halo tho. I have been of the impression that Superdrol has Masteron like affects and am curious if that sort of dried out lean muscle builder and potentially muscle saving ability can be utilized during a cut. Reveristol is not a SERM what so ever and if you used it for a sdrol cycle im betting you didnt fully recover for a long time after Sorta phrased it wrong. Details of the cycle you included the drug in Whether you liked the drug or not and whether you'd use it again. ~Theonslaught, 2012. Mixing tren and deca is dumb, a cycle of 500mg test E and 300mg tren E blows me the fk up. I want to continue to lean out while making some reasonable. Im contemplating it. . CryptoI love my sdrol, the gains made on it are incredible and IMHO worth the side effects. Hydrological Processes is an international hydrology journal publishing high-impact, process-oriented manuscripts in all the main areas of hydrology. I love the strength boost but it’s less than sdrol or adrol provide me. My buddy had a very hard time with his libido while running a sdrol only cycle. Wet cycles, Test Enanthate/Nandrolone D/Methandrostenolone. Start with a low dose and work your way up if you can handle the sides. The harshest sdrol cycle I would recommend is 40mg ED for 4 weeks. I was going to repeat the same cycle, but decided to wait until this fall. Porky. Superdrol causes no bloating. 500mg Tudca a day. Week 1: 12 mg Sdrol Week 2-3: 24 mg Sdrol Week 4: 75 mg Rebound Reloaded, 3 Fen Caps, 200 mg DHEA, 100 mg LX Week 5: 50 mg RR, 4 Fen Caps, 150 mg DHEA, 50 mg LX Week 6: 25 mg RR, 5 Fen Caps, 100 mg DHEA Should I add ActivaTe to this post. but, again, I would be curious whether tudca & nac could offset the risk somewhat or completely. I'm pretty strong so I want to compete in powerlifting and. Anabolic Steroids. Day 4-7: very noticeable strength increase, way fuller muscles. I'm with Redwolf on this D-bol is like an anti depressant combined with a steroid. And IDGAF about aesthetics. Mostly did dosages from 20-40mg. Thus I am planning on taking it for 4-6 weeks until the deca and anadrol have time to kick in. Superdrol & Test Propionate - 30 Day Cycle. I started Superdrol at 10mg/day during week five of my Epistane run and then continued the Sdrol at 20mg/day for three weeks after finishing the Epi. 2nd mistake: My adex and superdrol were mislabled and I had taken 2mg adex ED for 4 days, instead of sdrol, felt spaced out, weak, flat, sweat a lot during workouts, etc. Anyone tried this combination? Ryan Russo Said Tudca on cycle will affect bioavailability of an Oral PED. • 3 yr. May 18, 2014. . The recommended use for this product is about 20mg to 40mg per day, depending on goals. 15 votes, 889 comments. Bodybuilders typically take anywhere from 10-20mg of Superdrol a day, lasting from 4-6 weeks. I have not tried superdrol, but considered adding it in as an extra for my current tren cycle. It’s just personal preference, but not mandatory. SDrol vs ADrol. So the Sdrol run would be weeks 12 to 15, 16, followed by 4 more weeks of 500 Test solo. I don't care if you're using oral or injectable sdrol. Water weight is kept low and the muscle is extremely dense. Each ester you have used and if your experience varied (if applicable) This week’s Compound/PED is: Anadrol (Oxymethalone aka. R/hrt should be sticked for your self bud best wishes mate. strength increased alot. I think I gained 38lbs during my 90 day cycle, and lost about 18 of it during pct (2 months) and then another 5-6lbs over the next 3 months after pct. 30 mgs of MENT ACE twice a day. If you have never used Superdol before, take daily. Didn't notice any negative sides, strength blew up. As for PCT, begin 2 wks after last injection and go with 2500iu/wk HCG x2 wks, and nolvadex at 30/30/20/20 (As in 30mg/day week 1, 30mg/day wk 2, 20mg/day. . 4 week Superdrol cycle i ran 20mg ed for 4 weeks. Superdrol Cycle. i also took winstrol along with this, at the peak of the cycle i was at 215lb. Gains of an M-Sten cycle are impressive, with a reported lean mass gain of up to 25 lbs in 4 weeks. The guy who has been giving me good advice on. Anabolic Steroids Submenu. May 15, 2009. I didn't get a definite answer when researching so I just said fuck it and tried it out, believe I took sdrol 20-30mg for 2-4 weeks, then a super prolonged pct with nolvadex, going from 60mg-10mg. Reaction score. . I've chosen to run the Sdrol for. Cycle: Test c : 200 mg weekly Andro 300 : 1 ml twice weekly (Test e 100mg, tren e 100mg, mast e 100mg) Sdrol : 2 caps a day for 30 days Milk thistle: 1000mg twice daily Diet : I ate 3 or 4 meals a day I would have snacks throughout the day such as Greek yogurt, almonds, cottage cheese Drank 3. The only reason i really even decided to use sdrol is because i was/am a huge george leeman fan and his deadlift went from 690(or so) to 865 from a single cycle of mdrol (sdrol clone). 5mg ed. MAST A 400 mg/week pinning EOD. I don’t really like the idea of 3 orals in one blast. During a bulking cycle, you can take 25 mg of MK 677, 15 mg of RAD 140 and 10 mg of YK11 per day. Test E- Weeks 1-12. Gone into the 50 mg a day range. Whoever recommended that doesn’t know dick about making progress, beyond just upping the dose. Tren/low dose test with four weeks of superdrol at 15mg. Helps promote the development of fuller muscles. Probably drank during that time on weekends. I went into my sdrol cycle having an increased libido, and it got even higher the first week or 2. Beginners should dose Superdrol at 20mg per day. I am starting a cycle for the first time,. Anabolics. Lets discuss the raging gyno epedemic amongst sdrol users. Also ran aBobmbs - can't say I liked that too much. Don’t need them. The cycle I started running is superdrol 20mg/day, anavar 40mg/day, test cyp 500mg/wk, and deca 300mg/wk. Somebody suggested to me that I front-load (500mg) during the first week and then 250mg each week thereafter. Some advanced bodybuilders might take up to 30 or 40mg. I followed a modified PPL. Reaction score. 10mg/day for a 3 weeks. datpornoalt4 •. You need to have an AI on hand in case of estrogen. 5/5 pre and post WO. I do 18 weeks. the owner of these chain of stores i bought it from is a ifbb pro, just so. Maybe throw in a little mast at the end. I've used dbol a few times and the gains are always huge but of course they deflate quite a bit during pct and don't seem very lean. #1. dosage should like this. Hey all 4th cycle. First thinked to run tren with it, but ill drop it, i like it, but my appetite surpress and mess alot with my head. Not all injectable orals are made water based. Actually none of my oral cycles gave me lethargy, my body doesn't really seem to care about my test levels hahaha I had 34 ng/dl test levels for months and months before I got a trt script after my last cycle and I had zero low test symptoms . i was hoping some of you might shed some more light.